Union citizenship and its impact on the EU's market freedoms

Union citizenship is celebrating its 30th birthday. Despite some retrogade steps taken in some of the Court's case law, the Union citizenship has, indeed, granted to Member State nationals rights which are beyond those to which they were entitled under EC law before the establishment of this status.

This immediately leads to the question of whether Union citizenship has also come of age, if this is examined from the angle of the substance that has been given to this status. Put it differently, does this mean that Member State nationals today occupy a better position under EU law than they did before they became Union citizens? Or is the status merely a consolidation of the pre- Maastricht acquis?

As we will see, EU citizenship has moved away from its initial incipient form and market citizenship roots, pointing towards a status detached from economic consideration. As a result of the move towards the creation of a meaningful status of union citizenship, the market freedoms have been reconceptualised as fundamental citizenship rights and their interpretation has adapted accordingly.

In the light of the above, the course also aims to examine the impact that union citizenship has had on the interpretation of the EU's market freedoms. It will also seek to deepen the understanding of the nature and mechanisms of the market freedoms, as these have now been re-interpreted in the post citizenship era.

Finally, since the question of supranational citizenship is one of the more contested issues in EU law, we will also examine the limits of free movement rights, with a special emphasis on the Brexit and its aftermath.

1. The development of union citizenship

2. The economic rights of EU citizens

3. The impact of Union citizenship on the EU's market freedoms

a. Union citizenship and the personal market freedoms

b. Union citizenship and the free movement of goods

4. Re- interpreting the market freedoms in the light of Union citizenship

a. Emerging questions, with a particular attention to the criticism on the grounds of coherence

b. The answers to the challenges

5. Perspectives on social citizenship

6. Political and other rights of EU citizens (right to vote, right to petition, right to diplomatic protection, data privacy rights, protection against expulsion, etc.)

7. The limits of free movement:

a. Restrictions the right of entry and the right of residence on grounds of public policy, public security and public health, with a special respect to COVID 19.

b. Brexit and its aftermath.


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